Incorporates Music Therapy For People With Residual Type Of Schizophrenia


Seto Mulyadi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 1-29 | Views: 406 | Downloads: 121 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3382703

Volume 1 - April 2012 (04)


The purpose of this research is to find out if music therapy is effective for residual-type schizophrenics. If it is effective, what factors or what things that makes it effective. What stages does the therapy process go through to make the therapy effective. The subject of the research is a 25 years old woman, first child of two children, Islam, a Javanese, diagnosed with residual-type of schizophrenia by the psychiatrist. The research result shows that music therapy is effective for schizophrenics, marked with the subject being calm, relax and feel less pain, a more stabile emotion and this follows the ability to do a lot of activities and a more organized lifestyle. The factors are because the music played is classical and instrumentalwhich has a soft strain, synchronized by the sound of sputtering water, birdsong, splashing waves, and the cool and comfortable place and this helps building a normal life back.The implementation process of music therapy has some steps: at first the therapist gives an instruction and the aim of the therapy to the client, then the subject listens to the music like classical and instrumental music, and finally the subject will play music instrument individually and in group. This condition increases the interpersonal relationship, which then increases the social interaction and this helps building a better life. 


Schizophrenia, Schizophrenic, Residual-type, Music therapy.


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