Determinants Of Successful Project Implementation In Nigeria
Benedict Amade , Dr. Achimba Chibueze Ogbonna , Casmir Chinedu Kaduru ,
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This paper investigated the critical success factors of project implementation in Nigeria. The study is motivated by the very low success rate of project delivery in the country which has created obvious problems of economic waste and end user unsatisfaction. The study sampled the opinion of fifty selected project professionals presently working in six project sites located in Anambra, Imo and River States. An objective realization instrument developed using twelve (12) factors identified in the literature as possible drivers of success in project implementation based on the Likert five-point scale of ranking. Weighted scores of respondents to the factors were analyzed using factor analysis, while the effects of the quantified weight of the critical factors were analyzed using the regression tool. Results of the analysis among others show that Environmental factors are more critical to the success of project implementation than skills portfolio of the project team. Collective responsibility among project stakeholders is a necessary condition for successful project implementation; Ability of project professionals to generate accurate designs, cost and time estimates will minimize the negative effects of economic instability on successful project delivery. Commitment of Clients to project financing obligations is a necessary condition for contractor commitment to project plans. The recommendation is that there is need for adequate environmental scanning, monitoring and evaluation at the planning stage of projects
Project, Project Management, Project Implementation, Success Factors, Factor Analysis
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