Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in a Malaysian Public University’s Library
Huam Hon Tat , Teo Pei-Ni , Amran Md Rasli ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 28-35 | Views: 488 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3384571
As the employees are the most important asset for a successful organization, there is no doubt that increasing their job satisfaction is one of the vital tasks to be deeply taken into considerations by an organization’s management in order to enhance its employees’ commitment. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees in Malaysia. The framework of this study composed of three factors of job satisfaction, i.e. job design, salary and welfare, and the management which were based on the works of Herzberg’s (1959) Two Factors Theory. While the dimensions of organizational commitment, i.e. affective, continuance and normative were conceptualized based on the model developed by Meyer and Allen (1991). The respondents were collected from one of the Malaysian public universities in Malaysia and a total of 103 employees answered questionnaires. The data gathered was analyzed with various analyses methods such as Pearson correlations and multiple regressions using SPSS package. The findings suggest that there is a significant weak relationship between job design and affective commitment, and no significant relationship between other factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Recommendations and discussions for future research are provided
Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Library, Malaysia
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