Identify and Ranking the Factors Influencing Insurance Company’s Competitive Advantage with Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
Abbas Dadras , Shahin Soleymanzade , Mohamad Reza Vandaki ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 79-90 | Views: 1512 | Downloads: 390 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3472206
This research has been performed to identify the factors that can help to attain competitive advantage in insurance companies. In addition, in order to determine which factors have more priorities to attain by insurance companies, their ranking also been considered. The research way is exploratory mixed method. First, the factors affecting on attain competitive advantage of insurance have been identified through selecting the factors that were mist frequent, this factors were ranked with fuzzy AHP technique using paired comparisons questionnaire. In order to do an interview, by using the purposive sampling, 17 experts and top managers of insurance were selected as a sample and also then these people responded to paired comparisons questionnaire. Identified factors were divided to six criteria including comfort, quality, customer responsiveness, creativity, services and brands. The research results showed that among comfort and welfare criteria, the number of representatives with fuzzy weight 0/2722 is in first priorities and the flexibility in presenting insurance services based on the conditions of policyholders with 0/2004 weight have second priority. Among services qualitative criteria, the way of communication of employee of insurance company with 0/2173 weight is in first place. Also, for ranking and identifying the fuzzy weights, the indices of respond to customers, innovation, internet service and brand were done.
Competitive Advantages Mixed Procedure, Fuzzy Hierarchy Analysis, Insurance Companies.
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