How Can We Use The Benefits Of Private Shopping And Group Online Buying In E-Government?


Fazli Yildirim ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 23-26 | Views: 408 | Downloads: 138 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3386673

Volume 1 - August 2012 (08)


Marketing tools are rapidly increasing with the high usage rate of internet and the social media channels and mobile applications. Individuals, companies and governments are widely using these platforms. Especially, electronic commerce takes the share from this rise by using these platforms for increasing the interactivity between partners and the customers. Besides, private shopping or group online buying (Groupon) concepts are more popular in these days as the reason of cheap advertising and promotion opportunities even as creating uniqueness for the individuals, sharing the new product information and increasing the interactivity by the high discount rates supports this popularity. While examining the electronic government and mobile government, we face that these rapid changes suffers as the reason of poor promotion efforts and low level usage rates. In this research, private shopping and group online concepts will be examined extensionally with applications and also, suggestions will be done for harvesting the benefits of private shopping for electronic and mobile governmental applications. 


Groupon; group online buying; social shopping; private shopping; e-government; mobile government. 


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