Public Procurement Reform In Developing Countries: A Critique Of The Real Estate Context In The Nigerian Case
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The Public Procurement Act 2007 in Nigeria mainly aims at economic efficiency and effectiveness consistent with best practices. The Act’s definition of procurement as simply ‘acquisition’ tends to shift attention to goods and services only, contrary to the fact that most public procurements deal with capital assets especially physical infrastructure. This paper therefore sort to determine if a real estate context exists, and its extent, within the enabling Act. Based on a literature review approach, it was found that ‘due process’ still relies mainly on the out-dated traditional design-bid-build model whose major challenges include corruption, bureaucracy, and the absence of the real estate professional in the membership of NCPP and BPP. This paper’s major conclusion is that beyond the functions that can be performed by the real estate professional, under the Act, its definition of “works” equates with land development and hence provides the clearest real estate perspective to ‘due process’
due process, public procurement, real estate perspective, reform, works.
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