About The Financial Crisis: A Report on Stock Indices


Marco Mele , Stefano Amighini ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 23 -32 | Views: 398 | Downloads: 112 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3386722

Volume 1 - September 2012 (09)


The financial crisis, after pushing governments to adopt exceptional measures to bail out banks and launch challenging plans to revive the economy, has come to expose the sovereign debt of many countries at risk of ''default''. For this reason, the European institutions and national governments have had to intervene and to develop tools for crisis management, such as loans to Greece and the mechanism of European financial assistance, both to strengthen the devices of crisis prevention, based on fiscal consolidation. Pending the completion of the institutional strategy aimed at coordinating European economic policy and budget, all states were required to adopt drastic measures to rebalance national accounts and return to the Maastricht’s criteria. This paper aims to analyze the performance of financial markets over the past tree months, thus representing a true report of what that was and what will happen. 


bail out banks, financial crises, financial markets


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