Capital Structure of Real Estate Firms in Chinese Stock Market
Thian Cheng Lim , Ruiyang Chai , Dan Zhao ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 75 -85 | Views: 458 | Downloads: 132 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3386766
Volume 1 - September 2012 (09)
This paper investigates the determinants of capital structure of real estate firms in China. An empirical study on determinants of capital structure of real estate in Chinese listed firms is conducted using a relatively regression of accounting data for 44 A-share financial listed companies over the quarter from 2008 to the third quarter of 2011. First, this paper identifies that the pecking order theory in China is different from western countries. Second, the results show that profitability, non-debt tax shields and liquidity are significant influence factors in financial sector, while others like size, growth, tangibility and non-circulating share should be judged by the size of the company. Moreover, firm size and non-circulating shares are almost positively related to the corporate leverage ratio. It is also found that Chinese institutional characteristic affects the capital choice decision and the largely state ownerships do affect capital structure choices.
China, real estate firms, capital structure, theory, leverage, financing characteristic.
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