Antecedents of Relation Base Marketing and its impact on Customer Satisfaction
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Education is long term service offering which need student’s satisfaction. Students switching is common in certain institutions. This research is conducted that how relationship marketing play important role in satisfaction of students of affiliated institutions of Peshawar University Pakistan. This research is conducted that what are the key antecedents of relationship marketing for the satisfaction of students. Study identifies different determinants of relations base marketing and checks their influence on student’s satisfaction. Study selected four affiliated institution on random basis for analysis. The four institutions were Peshawar Business School, National college of Science, Institute of computer and management science and National institute of management. The data collected through questionnaire from students of above mentioned affiliated institutions. Study uses a structured 5 point lickert scale non-self administered questionnaire from 100 students. Findings of the study shows that Trust, Commitment and communication are the prominent antecedents of relationship marketing which play major role in students satisfaction.
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