Assessment of Organization Performance using Combined Approach of Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (Case Study: A Branch of Iran University of Medical Sciences)


Ghamar Haddad , Jalal Haghighat Monfared ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 71-86 | Views: 398 | Downloads: 118 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3402009

Volume 1 - November 2012 (11)


This article intends to answer the question as how through combination of BSC and Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (ANP) organization’s relative performance can be assessed based on its outlook and strategies, so as both the interaction between criteria and indicators and the balance between them are taken account of. This is an applied and descriptive research conducted through a case study and the under study in one of the medical universities in north of Iran. Through consensus and profiting from a questionnaire the data were gathered. Questionnaire validity and stability was confirmed following approval of the organization’s experts. In this article, through presentation of new Fuzzy model, it has been tried to assess current strategies of the organization and the key factors associated to these strategies. Statistical population in this research includes knowledgeable and experienced managers and experts in the understudy organization. In this article, through combination of two performance measurement models, ( BSC and ANP), while profiting from a Fuzzy Approach the indicators for measurement of organization performance are identified and by combination of the two models, a comprehensive model is proposed for measurement of the organization’s overall performance. In the research findings, the key constituents and the indicators associated to each constituent were pointed out based on which priority and weight of each in regard to organization’s current state of performance can be determined. These weights and indicators can give a useful insight to the university managers regarding the organization performance and importance of its different aspects at organizational level. The score of 61% (out of 100) was found for the organization current performance which can serve as a good base for improvement of the organization future performance. 


strategy, performance assessment, Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (ANP)


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