Ethics And Professionalism In Nigerian Business Environment; Analysis Of Users’ Perspective Of Accounting Information
Oladele Rotimi , Abdulrafiu Olaiya N , Ezeani Nneka S. (P.hD) , Idode Patrick E ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 34-59 | Views: 385 | Downloads: 116 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3401977
This study examines accounting professional ethics and accounting information users perspectives within Nigeria context. The primary data was sourced through administration of questionnaire on two major categories of respondents, practicing accountants (both in private and public practice) and the users of financial statement. However, data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistic method. Two hypotheses formulated were tested using chi-square method. The researchers found that public has little or no confidence in the ethical standing of the Accountant. Despite the claims by majority of Chartered Accountants that they always adhere to the ethical principles of the profession, users of accounting information believe otherwise. Besides, moral values have much influence on the ethical reasoning of the Accountant, therefore the higher the personal ethical standard of the Accountant, the easier it is to adhere to the spirit of the professional code of ethics. Also, Codes of ethics have little impact on the ethical reasoning of the Accountant as it only acts as a guide for ethical behavior. Auditors’ independence issues need to be revisited and the relationship between a reporting entity and its professional advisers should be more transparent. It is therefore recommended that, members’ rules for professional conduct should be reviewed more often to deal with the changing culture. The various accounting associations should respectively establish procedures to back-up members who face victimization from their employers for upholding high ethical standards.
Ethics , Professionalism , Nigerian Business , Environment, Perspective of Accounting, Information
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