Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Image of Mellat Bank Customers on Their Satisfaction In The Process Of Selecting Branch
Abbas Dadras , Roya Akbari , Seyed Jalal Beheshti ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 112-121 | Views: 1441 | Downloads: 377 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3472248
With regard to the important role of image in maintaining current customers and attracting new customers, thus any organization to achieve the sustainable competitive advantage should pay special attention to it, so the aim of the researcher in this study has been to identify the dimensions of image affecting customers’ behavior and then the pathology of its condition in Bandar Abbas Mellat Bank branches has been as a Case Study, therefore, in this study due to lack of time and resources 420 customers were selected as a sample. Research Method has been three-stage. In the first stage, variables were identified through interviews and Delphi method which included customers' convenience, speed of service, physical facilities, trust, staff’s attitude and advertising, and in the second stage, a questionnaire was designed for the variables identified and distributed among customers in order that the effectiveness of these variables be confirmed and in the third stage pathology (assessment) of these variables were considered in branches of Bandar Abbas Mellat Bank that in this stage the data were also collected using a questionnaire which was designed for this purpose. The results showed that the factors mentioned are very effective in creating a positive image in the minds of customers, but assessing the bank’s customers of these factors under study revealed that the bank will need to be re-examined in this area because some factors were considered less than average and some on average.
Organizational Image, Brand Image, Brand Imagery, Brand Selection, Advertising, Customer Satisfaction.
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