E-Crm-A Solution For Customer Satisfaction In Electronic Era


Pouria Jahanbakhshian ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 62-69 | Views: 379 | Downloads: 117 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3402044

Volume 1 - December 2012 (12)


Customer Relationship Management is an essential facet of an organization, encompassing the philosophy of organized business that is engaged with a well-knit customer-focused knowledge base. It is more than software or process, and equal to a culture of gaining and keeping value customers, delivering the immitigable benefits. The e-CRM or electronic customer relationship marketing concept is derived from ecommerce. Electronic CRM can contribute incontrovertibly to organizational transformation into a real time enterprise for customers, while harnessing the power of technology in a rapidly changing competitive landscape. The major benefits that accrue are new sales and account opportunities, quicker and smarter decision-making, and better efficiencies leading to significant improvement in customer service. Comparing with traditional CRM, the integrated information for e-CRM intra-organizational collaboration can be more efficient to communicate with customers. The focus of this paper is to discuss the important of e-CRM techniques in providing customers with better services having in view their needs and expectations. The paper also looks at some of the challenges and opportunities related to e-CRM.


Customer Relationship Management, customer satisfaction, Electronic CRM, Information Technology 


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