Social Media Marketing: Opportunities and Threats for Young Entrepreneurs in Pakistan


Atif Hassan , Erum Fatima , Dr. Rizwana Bashir ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 23-28 | Views: 534 | Downloads: 138 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3402052

Volume 2 - January 2013 (01)


The ambition of doing this research is to discover how the usage of social media marketing is helping young entrepreneurs in doing business activities with special reference to Pakistan. Many young entrepreneurs have taken advantage of their computer literacy and have started doing business through the web providing additional income to their families in such dire economic conditions. This research helped in identifying various opportunities that social media marketing has helped young entrepreneurs in expanding their business and to create awareness among deserving and potential entrepreneurs about social media options. This research study also focuses on the threats of using social media by the youth. The results showed that social media is the most popular tool among entrepreneurs as it is a safe and secure system for earning their livelihood. 


 Social Media Marketing


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