Antecedents of Employee Satisfaction and its impact on Job Turnover
Jawwad Hassan Jaskani , Huzaifa Ameen , Muhammad Rizwan , Saifal Hussain , Rana Umer Farooq , Muhammad Omair ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 55-64 | Views: 519 | Downloads: 151 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3404488
Although various research, studies have been conducted to understand the concept of employee satisfaction but still organizations are unable to capture those variables that affect the employee satisfaction the most. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect employee satisfaction and how much is the intensity. Specifically, we took employee empowerment, workplace environment and pay & promotion as the antecedents to see their impact on employee satisfaction and further the impact of employee satisfaction on employee turnover. A questionnaire was developed in order to collect the data for understanding the employee satisfaction level in various organizations. Convenient sampling was used to collect the data and 150 questionnaires were filled from the employees of different private and public organizations. Statistically, association of employee empowerment and workplace environment with employee satisfaction showed significant results, but the relationship between pay and promotion and employee satisfaction was somewhat insignificant. Furthermore, the effect of employee satisfaction on turnover intention of employees was also significant. This study will help the managers and organizations to better understand about the satisfaction level of employees and how they can motivate their employees to perform their job efficiently and effectively.
employee empowerment, workplace environment, pay and promotion, employee satisfaction, employee turnover.
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