Developing NPD Process Capabilities through Open Innovation


Sanaz Monsef ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 75-80 | Views: 349 | Downloads: 99 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3404516

Volume 2 - January 2013 (01)


New product development could be recognized as a key factor to success in an increasingly competitive, global economy. The purpose of this paper is to examine how open innovation improves new product development process capabilities. Studies have indicated that open innovation is considered an appropriate means to improve the success of new product development, but it is important to achieve a high level of NPD process capabilities. In this study, we explore the relationship between open innovation paradigm and NPD process capabilities, including, planning capability, development capability, marketing capability, and commercialization capability. Moreover, the study also aims to recommend the appropriate model by looking at the role of organizational structure (formalization, centralization, and complexity) factors. In these relationships, based on the objectives, the focus is on the influence of open innovation on new product development process capabilities with consideration to the role of organizational structure dimensions. 


Product development process, Organization, moderating role, capability


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