The evolution of government debt internal and external to Romania in the current economic context generated by the economic crisis


Mariana Man , Maria Macris , Bogdan Ravas ,

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Volume 2 - February 2013 (02)


The objective of the hereby work is to identify, within public debt, the prevailing part played by the two components of governmental public debt, namely internal governmental public debt and external governmental public debt, while considering both components as extremely important for the economic administration of a country in the present day context of financial crisis. With a view to make clear the analyzed phenomenon, we have employed an important amount of statistic data in order to carry out the research dealing with the dynamics of Romania’s governmental public debt during the period 2001-2010 which emphasized the main tendencies displayed by its evolution and which influence the measures meant to improve the management of public debt. 


governmental public debt internal, governmental public debt external, financial crisis, external loans, gross domestic product, budget deficit financing.


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