Analysis of Factors Influencing Time and Cost Overruns on Construction Projects in South Eastern Nigeria


K.A. Okorocha , S.C. Emeribe , E.C. Ubani ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 73-84 | Views: 399 | Downloads: 121 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4916314

Volume 2 - February 2013 (02)


This study identifies and examines the factors influencing time and cost overruns on construction project in the south eastern Nigeria. The high level of dilapidation and deterioration of roads and other construction infrastructural facilities seen in this zone could be attributed to abysmal performance of construction project management. Survey technique with area and random sampling procedures were employed for the study. The primary data were obtained with the instrument of weighted scaled questionnaires the respondents to the questionnaire are clients, contractors and consultants from five states of south eastern Nigeria. A total of 110 and 42 hypothetical cost and time overruns respectively were identify for analysis. The methods of data analysis were spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance with the hypothesis tested at 5% level of significant so as to determine the degree of agreement amongst the parties. The results of this study have shown that the three parties to a project are in agreement that materials factor and external factor groups have indeed contributed immensely to delays on construction projects, while projects, contractor’s responsibilities, consultant’s responsibilities, client’s responsibilities, professional management, design and documentation, execution, labour and equipment, contractual relationship, government relations, time overruns; cost overrun and all together (time and cost overruns) factors have not greatly influenced delays on construction projects. Based on these results it is recommended that client’s, contractor’s and consultant’s should pay more attention to both material and external factors for there to be effective and efficient delivery on construction projects at the right time and cost. 


Time overrun, Cost overrun, Construction project clients, Contractors, Consultants, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, Kendall’s coefficient of concordance. 


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