Entrepreneurial Education in Public Sector Institutes of Rawalpindi/Islamabad


Ayesha Nazuk , Fiza Amer , Quratulain Tanvir , Saba Nawaz , Sahar Zahid Siddiqui , Shahwaiz Alvi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 56-72 | Views: 517 | Downloads: 127 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3404640

Volume 2 - February 2013 (02)


This paper analyses the entent to which the concept of entrepreneurship is being inculcated in the courses being taught at the public sector universities across various disciplines. Three public sector universities from the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad were taken into consideration and the data was collected through websites of the institutes and through questionnaires that were filled by students as well as faculty members. The questionnaire for the study was replicated from the paper of Askun and Yidrim on entrepreneurship education in Turkish Publec Universities published in 2011. Results of the study show that entrepreneurship education is dependent on the type of institute. 


Entrepreneurship Education, Public Sector Institutes, Chi-square, Nominal Variables, Ordinal Variables, Gamma Test, Contingency Coefficient.


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