Impact of HR Practices on Performance of Teachers in Colleges of Azad Kashmir


Imrab Shaheen , Dr.Mushtaq A.Sajid , Mrs.Qudsia Batool ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 24-32 | Views: 510 | Downloads: 125 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3404699

Volume 2 - March 2013 (03)


This study is aimed to determine the impact of Human Resource practices on the performance of college teachers in two districts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Four practices namely recruitment & selection, performance appraisal, compensation and training were taken as independent variables while teacher’s performance was taken as dependent variable Data were collected through structured questionnaire containing a five point likert scale. Sample of this study was consisted of 100 teachers from four colleges of two districts of AJ&K. Simple random sampling was used as a sampling technique and this study was cross sectional in nature. Descriptive statistics (mean & standard deviation) and linear Regression, were used for various analyses of this study. The findings of the research revealed that HR practices are significant predictors of teacher’s performance. The results of this study showed that HR practices have a considerable impact on the performance of college teachers. 


Human Resource Practices, Teacher’s Performance, Recruitment & Selection, Compensation, Performance Appraisal, Training.



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