Labor international circulation within the present – day context of globalized economy


Mariana Man ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 33-48 | Views: 446 | Downloads: 132 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3404707

Volume 2 - March 2013 (03)


The hereby paper carries out a synthetized analysis of the phenomenon of labor international circulation as displayed by the nowadays context of globalized economy which has been vastly approached by specialized economic works worldwide. Accordingly, we have dynamically exhibited international migration during the period 1990 – 2010 at a world level, its implications as well as a short analysis of the phenomenon in Romania. At the same time, we have made an attempt at showing a model that can be implemented in case of the cost - benefit analysis required when determining the shadow price of labor in under development countries that do not possess the labor needed in order to carry out certain public projects and that resort, under such circumstances, to foreign labor. 


international migration, globalization, economic crisis, labor market, national policies, shadow price of labor. 


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