Determinants of profitability of Non Bank Financial Institutions:Evidence from Bangladesh.


Md. Sogir Hossain Khandoker , Professor Dr. R. K. Raul , S. M. Galibur Rahman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 31-42 | Views: 694 | Downloads: 144 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3405875

Volume 2 - April 2013 (04)


This project examines the determinants of profitability of Non Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) of Bangladesh in the context of strengthening and aligning the financial sectors with that of operating at the global level. Profitability provides a clue of effectiveness of firms’ decisions and operational policies. The key factors emerged from the study like; liquidity, operating expenses, capital structure, total assets, etc significantly influence the financial performance of NBFIs. Different Statistical techniques such as correlation matrix, multiple regressions, Run test, and K-W test for randomness were used for the analysis of secondary data. The study highlighted the necessity of strategic financial decision of NBFIs in the emerging economy like Bangladesh to gain competitive edge in the changing global financial arena. 


profitability, operational efficiency, capital structure, competitive edge.


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