The Loyalty Attributes and Spectators’ Intentions to Watch Football Games: Case Study in Malaysia.


Asiah Mohd , Hanipah Hussin ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-04 | Views: 442 | Downloads: 116 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408005

Volume 2 - May 2013 (05)


Sports are socially significant activities to enhance national identity. The aim of this study is to investigate the loyalty attributes that have influenced spectators’ intentions to watch football in Malaysia. The variables that were intended to analyze is loyalty factors on spectators’ their intentions to Malaysian football match. The instruments that were used are Model Point of Attachment Index (Trail, Robinson & Dick, 2003) and Behavioral Intentions Scale (Hightower, Brady, Baker, 2002). Stepwise regression were used to analyse data. The results revealed that there is a significant linear regression between loyalty and spectators’ intentions to watch football games is strong. Analysis regression stepwise shows that the predictor for spectators’ intentions to watch football consists of variables, such as Malaysia Cup football league, team, community, player, and football game. These variables affect 54% (p =.01) variance towards their intentions to watch football games at stadium. According this result, sport organization continuing their assessment and loyalty attributes to plan strategies to increase the usage of the stadium as leisure activities and national identity programme. Therefore, the sport organization should consider loyalty elements in planning strategies to enhance ‘One Malaysia’ identity through sports activities.


‘One Malaysia’, spectators, loyalty attributes, football league, stadium


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