Destination Marketing: Hamper of Opportunities for Tourism Industry
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The new buzz word of success of tourism industry is Destination Marketing. We cannot neglect the role of marketing in finding out the needs, wants, selling and promotion of a product or a service. As we all are aware that tourism is one of the fastest growing service industry which requires consonant efforts because of many reasons likewise the ever-changing demand of tourists, change in climate, changes in the desires of tourists etc. When we talk about the success factors for making tourism industry incredibly growing one we can notify the changing promotional strategies of the Tourism Organizations .We have good examples in India like – Rajasthan Tourism ,Goa Tourism ,Kerala Tourism ,Gujarat Tourism ,Madhya Pradesh Tourism etc. They all using the Destination Marketing for attracting more tourists towards their states .The present paper is an attempt to highlight the importance of Destination Marketing, the process and life cycle of the same .For making it more informative the researcher has stressed upon some major Destination Marketing strategies adopted by different states of India.
Marketing, Tourism, Destination, Destination Marketing, Promotion.
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