The Effect Of Promotion Type And Promotional Benefit Level on Brand Image
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Sales promotion is one of the seven aspects of the promotional mix that adopts short Term, non-recurring methods to boost up sales in different ways. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the effect of different sales promotion types on brand image and the moderating role of Promotional Benefit Level, This research uses a crosssectional experiment to manipulate promotional benefit level, type of promotion and measure the brand image, The results obtained suggest that at high benefit levels and moderate benefit level there are not differences between the effect of promotion type on brand image. The findings offer guidance to managers who might benefit from knowing what is the best strategy to promote their products and services. Our work also extends prior related research because, to this date, the effectiveness of price discounts and premiums across promotional benefit levels is an underresearched issue.
Free gift, price Discounts, promotional benefit level Paper type: Research paper
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