The Importance of Citizen Participation in Organizing Urban-Propaganda (A Case of Mashhad city, Iran)


Ehsan Pilehvar Torghabe , Masoud Razavi , Mousa Rastegar , Akbar heydari ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 127-133 | Views: 416 | Downloads: 145 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3412792

Volume 2 - July 2013 (07)


Mashhad is one of the largest pilgrimage metropolises in eastern north of Iran. The current study has been done to identification of urban propaganda pathology in Mashhad city and improved the role of citizen’s participation in promotion of urban landscape in the cast study region. Statistical society of this research includes 70 experts of Mashhad municipality. The majority of population are male (83.1%) and the overwhelming majority have BA degree (47.5%) with mean age of 33.48 and 8 years of experiences. Results showed that the most important factor in organizing and achievement of municipal propaganda is citizen participation. Also, this paper was presented some solutions to attract the citizen participation in Mashhad municipality programs. According to this fact, Mashhad municipality and other local organizations have to done the necessary planning for improving the urban landscape and take step towards desirable, effective and soothing environmental Graphic. 


Citizen Participation, Municipal Propaganda, Mashhad Municipality


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