Acute Pain after Upper Abdominal Surgery in Post-Anesthesia Care Unit


Arunotai Siriussawakul , MD, Sukanya Jirachaipitak , Jatuporn Thonsontia , Kloyjai Kanjanarai , MD, Mallika Ahuka , Piyawadee Buaumphai , RN, Anchala Jirakulsawat , RN, Sutatip Waanchiang , Vimolluck Sanansilp ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 06-13 | Views: 467 | Downloads: 112 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3413062

Volume 2 - August 2013 (08)


Background and objectives: Inadequate control of postoperative pain after major surgery results in untoward consequences. This study was designed to find out the incidence of severe first pain score in post-anesthesia care unit after upper abdominal surgery among patients receiving general anesthesia combined with epidural analgesia, and to determine consequences and factors affecting severe pain intensity. 


Acute Pain,  Upper Abdominal Surgery, Post-Anesthesia, 


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