Role of Microenterprises With Regard to Economic Empowerment of Women
Imrab Shaheen , Mrs.Qudsia Batool , A.Sajid and Dean ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 60-67 | Views: 435 | Downloads: 118 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3413736
This study was aimed to examine the role of microenterprises in gaining economic empowerment of women in three districts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. The sample taken for this study is comprised of 114 women micro entrepreneurs from two services sectors belonging to three districts of Azad Kashmir. Quantitative research methodology was used. Data were collected through a five point likert scale questionnaire. In this study microenterprise was taken as independent variable while two components of economic empowerment namely skill up gradation through training and business related matters were taken as dependent s variables. Descriptive statistic (mean and standard deviation) were used for data analysis. The result of this study revealed that microenterprise have empowered the women economically as they are more empowered after improving their skills and also empowered in managing business related matters.
Microenterprises, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Skill Up Gradation Training, Business Related Matters, Quantitative.
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