Evaluation Indicator Of Drought Stress In Different Cultivars Of Sesame.
Hamid Reza Shahidi Bonjar , Ahmad Ghanbari , Habib Rostami ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 28-39 | Views: 421 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441665
Volume 2 - September 2013 (09)
In Order to determined tolearance cultivars and Selection Of hiegh yield variaties‚ no Cultivar Seseam Weve investijuted in randomized complete block Desingn with three replications in two Separate experiments under optimize irrigation conditions and deficiet irrigation conditions in 2008-2009 year in Agriculture and Nature resource center of zabol. In non Stress experiment in all growth stages and in Stress experiment‚ irrigntion introupted in flowering and grain filling stages. For evaluation tolearance to drought cultivars‚is used index six‚ compraied stress susceptible index (SSI)‚ mean productivity (MP) geometric mean productivity(GMP)‚ tolerance index (TOL) Stress tolearance Index (STI) and HARM. The resultes showed that both nons- stress and stressed. conditions exist diversity that indicator impossibility selection‚ tolearance cultivars to stress drought. Under non stressed condition the highest seed yield obtained from ‚ line‚ 1-Sistan 2-TN238 3-Varamin with (2569, 2532, 2466 kg/ha) and under stressed the highest seed yield obtained from, lines, 1-Sistan 2-TN238 3-with (2525, 2440 kg/ha) respectively. In between Index, investighte in this experiment, HARM, STI, GMPand MP indices,dut to, had most positive correlations with seed yield in non-stressed and stressed conditions were determined as best indices for determine and evaluate high yield cultivars in both conditions local varity of Sistan together two cultivar 1-Sistan 2-TN238 thereas on, had vate highest of indices, STI, MP, GMP and HARM, were determined as cultivars tolerant to drought stress
Tolerance to drought, Stress, Indicator, Yield, Sesame.
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