Non-parametric analyses on Strategic Investment in Technology and Companies’ Growth in Nigeria


A. Y. Dutse , B. Ayuba ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 09-15 | Views: 422 | Downloads: 127 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441676

Volume 2 - October 2013 (10)


Certainly, one of the most dominant themes that take the frontline in academic and professional discuss nowadays is technology adoption strategy and how it shapes organizations. In this study the potency of strategic organizational expenditure on technology is used in an attempt to explain growth witnessed by firm in Nigeria. Specifically the study investigates how a strategic investment in technological ability by firms determines their growth. By using non-parametric analyses of the data generated from a sample of companies operating in Nigeria, the study reveals a significant relationship between strategic acquisition and adoption of technology resources and firms’ growth; it also discusses the implications of these findings and some of the theoretical issues associated with firms’ growth. The provisional conclusion is that strategic acquisition and adoption of technology by firms in Nigeria is contributing to growth and that strategic investment in technology is the potent driver of the growth process. 


Strategic, Investment, Growth in Nigeria 


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