An Empirical study on the Effect of E-Service Quality to Satisfaction


Yoo, In Seon , Gong Jing ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 25-31 | Views: 399 | Downloads: 119 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441683

Volume 2 - October 2013 (10)


With the development of e-commerce, e-banking becomes one of the most booming service industries since the reform and opening up in china. Many studies have been conducted to assess users’ satisfaction with e-banking, none has focused on the ways in which the three quality factors (system quality, information quality and service quality) associated with ebanking affect customer satisfaction in china. Our proposed research model, based on DeLone and McLean’s IS success model, assesses how these three external quality factors can impact customer’s satisfaction and trust. We collected 306 valid questionnaires from e-banking customers, then analyzed them using structural equation modeling. Our results show that system quality and service quality significantly influence customers’ satisfaction with e-banking in china, and that information quality does not. Also, satisfaction has significantly influence on loyalty with e-banking in china context. 


IS success model, e-banking, e-Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction 


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