Marginalization In Iran A Threat To The Social Security Of Cities


Hamid Reza Shahidi Bonjar , Davod Shahverdi , Hamid Reza Heydari , Farzad Dahmarde ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 54-59 | Views: 415 | Downloads: 114 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441693

Volume 2 - October 2013 (10)


Usually marginalized are known people living in cities, but due to the set of factors they have been unable to absorb in the system of economy, society, and as a citizen of the facilities and municipal services benefit. However, today’s the margins are known as the part of the city which have common tissue with the cities, the margins have often infertile Culture and remain crime-prone areas, and become problematic. Where, according to sociologists, cultural and regional poverty and crime is the main feature of this culture and the crime is born from this culture, not only is a threat to social security of the people of this region, but also the Social security of city's residents threatens. Social Security, is a multi-dimensions issue which studying that in marginalized areas needs of studying in various fields of social science and behavioral research, For this purpose, this subject have been tried in this sweeping of these areas is discussed wholly. 


social security, marginalization, social control, participation, anti-social behavior.


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