Internal Corporate Social Responsibility: A key tool for Competitiveness in the Retail Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) sector in Masvingo, Zimbabwe.
Download Full PDF Pages: 72-80 | Views: 381 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441706
This research paper sought to establish the extent to which Small to Medium Enterprises engage Internal Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic tool for competitiveness. This undertaking has emerged as a result of the realization that there has been less commitment toward this key tool for competitiveness in this sector. The research therefore aimed to highlight to the SME sector the validity of meeting and or exceeding the needs and expectations of the internal customer(employee) as this has a bearing on the organization`s successful implementation of the broader External Corporate Social Responsibility (ECSR). A descriptive survey design was adopted and total of one hundred (25 from each sector) research subjects was targeted from the selected SME retail sectors namely Supermarkets, Micro Finance, Fast Foods and Clothing. A drop and pick survey method was used to gather data from the subjects and the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The key findings were that while some sections of this sector understand the relevance and essence of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) as an imperative for competitiveness, much needs to be done as some executives and owner-managers still view this perspective as a cost rather than as the basis for a firm`s reputation and growth in a highly competitive business environment. It is therefore important for SMEs executives and or owner-managers to realize that indeed ICSR is the pillar upon which the overall CSR for all stakeholders balances for an organization`s competitiveness.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Internal Responsibility, Small to Medium Enterprise, Competitiveness.
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