Analysis the Level of Satisfaction in Dangerous and Risky Jobs by Smart Systems in Power events of Mashhad city, Iran


Mehdi Baghban Saad Abadi , Raha Jalili Sabet , Mehdi Bareh Moghadam ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 46-55 | Views: 401 | Downloads: 133 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441767

Volume 2 - November 2013 (11)


Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. In order to, the purpose of this study is analysis the level of satisfaction in dangerous and risky jobs in power events of Mashhad city by smart systems. Methodology is based on survey methods and field athletics. Also, the research method we have used is based on the descriptive- analytical approaches. Results showed that at the first scenario, satisfactory calculation has an appropriate status by considering the average of 32/3 and a significance level of 002/0. Also it has showed that with the determination of W vector as a gene and this effectiveness genome and the analysis of other states of W sector, we will reach the optimal solution.


Job Satisfaction, Mashhad city, 


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