Check Clothing in Sistan after Islam


Abbass Oveisi , Abbasali Azarniusheh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 15-23 | Views: 449 | Downloads: 126 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441782

Volume 2 - December 2013 (12)


Research topic to study Islam to the people of Sistan local clothing is contemporary in field research methods such as participant observation, interviews and documentary techniques to gather the required information has been a main objective in this study changes in models and designs and fabric clothing of the people of Sistan early Islam in this country until the present, this research begins with a question that the people of Sistan during the period of Islamic clothing, which causes yet what distinction The people of this country are of other ethnicities. apparel Sistan people of Islam, much like the popular clothing in Sasanian and only minor differences with age, especially in the garment fabric and fabric in the design of a rate of small, and the example Islam in Iran, the Iranians were added to the fringe on the dress, including the Arabic words. Sistan, Sistan pre-Islamic glory of Islam has been almost the same like the earlier centuries of Islam prevalent in Sistan textiles and fabrics like silk and brocade expensive and exquisite in Sistan produced was exported to other parts of and this trend has continued to the present day. As in the past century in Chlng village one of the appurtenances Shib Ab of the Zabol city, yards of silk cocoon production, there is also a Hussein resident an Aly Sofy village in the appurtenances Shib Ab of the Zabol city today to fabric and scarves and blankets to local employment. 


Cloth, Wear, T shirts, Half-witted TRIZ, Social classes 


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