Warehouse Management System as locomotive of Supply Chain Management: Some Evidences from United Kingdom manufacturing sector


Nuzhat Younis , Rao Aamir Khush Naseeb , Uzma Kausar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 85-91 | Views: 419 | Downloads: 116 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441863

Volume 2 - December 2013 (12)


This Warehouse management system play an important role in the modern world of technology and using the Information technology enhance the performance and efficiency of warehouse management to manage and handle inventories which lead to proactive management of supply chain management process. In this research paper, we investigate the barrier of warehouse implementation along with failures which are associated with warehouse management system and then we move to study of warehouses to understand the problems they were facing and how they handle those issues using warehouse management system, at the end of paper we conclude our discuss by giving recommendation about proactive management of Warehouse Management systems


Warehouse Management System, Supply Chain Management, and barrier of warehouse management system implementation, Distribution Requirement planning, Electronic Data Interchange. 


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