A Study of the Effect of User’s thinking Style on the Usage Type of Internet Social Networks-(Evidence from Iran)
Somayeh Labafi , Prof. Dr. Taher Roshandel Arbatani , Hamideh Attafar ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 109-117 | Views: 402 | Downloads: 108 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441899
This article has theoretically and experimentally described an analytical model. Thinking style and its variants are the external variable and using internet social networks the internal variable. Survey was used as the research methodology and in order to gather information, thinking style questionnaire InQ (Harrison & Bramson, 2002) and a researcher-made questionnaire of using social networks was used; which its validity and reliability were tested. The population was the students of University of Isfahan (over 9000) and the sample size was 250. The sampling method was random. Findings of the study showed that most of the sample was a regular user of internet social networks. Also it can be argued that different thinking styles of individuals have a high effect on the style and frequency of using these networks. Hypothesis testing showed that thinking style has a 0.067 effect on using social networks and this effect is significant at a confidence level of 0.05. Out of the different styles of thinking, idealism thinking style with an impact factor of 0.065 had the largest effect and synthetic thinking style, analyst thinkers, pragmatist thinkers and realistic thinking in respect had the most effect on using social networks.
Internet Social Networks, Thinking Style, Awareness, Trust, Partnership
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