A Brief Overview on Islamic Compliance Quality Management System


Khatijah Othman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 138-142 | Views: 372 | Downloads: 114 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445723

Volume 2 - December 2013 (12)


The Islamic Compliance Quality Management System-Requirements from Islamic Perspectives (ICQMS): MS 1900:2005, has been introduced and implemented in Malaysia for quite sometimes. The controlling and monitoring body is SIRIM Malaysia. The implementation of MS 1900:2005 is based on the ISO 9001:2000 standard which is revised as ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System), a Quality Management System established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that is applicable for all type and size of organizations. It establishes a standard with the objectives to improve the effectiveness of products, services and processes. In fact ICQMS, MS 1900:2005 has become a basis in measuring standard recognized nationwide in measuring quality from Islamic perspectives. With the references to the Malaysian contexts, this paper intends to give a brief overview on its philosophic establishments, practices and components within the philosophic values and requirement of Shariah based compliance in accordance to Al-Quran and Hadeeth.


 Islamic Compliance, Quality Management System, Standard Quality. 


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