Analysis The Relation Between Marketing Mix Elements And Brand Equity From The Customer’s Perspective In Eram Hyper Star Stores Of Tehran, Iran
Sara Karimi , Dr. Azam Rahimi Nik ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 143-152 | Views: 392 | Downloads: 120 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445725
Brands are particularly important in the services sector, since customers buying services encounter more complex problems than in other sectors. In order to, the aim of current paper is Analysis the Relation between Marketing Mix Elements and Brand equity from the customer’s perspective in Eram Hyper star stores of Tehran. Present research has a descriptive- analytical method that is of applied kind. Its theory foundations are based on attribution and desk studies and field visits of related organizations. Results show that 57.1% of customers with the highest frequency to realize the price in hyper star stores is so appropriate. 45.3% have stated that they have selected Eram hyper star for their shopping due to its special discounts. About 89% of them have stated that provided goods are close to date of production and so far have never seen outdated products on the shelves. Also other indicators have a similar situation.
Marketing Mix, Brand equity, Customer’s Perspective, Tehran
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