The Role Of Educatıon On Economıc Development


İsa Altınışık , Ahmet Burhan Çakıcı ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 153-158 | Views: 605 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445733

Volume 2 - December 2013 (12)


Since the birth of industrialization and nation-states, education has been seen as a power and a vehicle which shapes society and people, also it provides economic and social development. Well-educated people in society are seen as more successful and productive. Societies which have power of trained people become advanced societies. For this purpose, education is seen as the most important and profitable investment tool for the people and the country's future. One of the most important factors that influence the development level of economy, society and policy is education. Today people can easy relate economic development with level of education. The thought of the more people are educated, the more they contribute to the society spreads. Education is the basis of economical development. The purpose of the education is to meet the requirements of both the country and the people. Rapid change of production technologies caused the importance of the education increase. As a result, need of investing in information emerged. 


Education, Development, 


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