A Study on the Performance of select Private Sector Balanced Category Mutual Fund Schemes in India
Prof. V.Vanaja , Dr. R. Karrupasamy ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 196-206 | Views: 419 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445749
Mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools together the funds from investors by issuing units and investing the funds so raised in securities in accordance with the objectives disclosed in the offer document. Wide varieties of schemes are being launched by mutual fund players which often confuse the investors. In this complex scenario, this study of Performance evaluation would help the investors to choose the best schemes available and will also help the AUM’s in better portfolio construction and can rectify the problems of underperforming schemes. The objective of the study is to evaluate the performance of select Private sector balanced schems on the basis of returns and comparison with their bench marks and also to appraise the performance of different category of funds using risk adjusted measures as suggested by Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen.
Performance Evaluation, private sector, risk and return, Bench Marks, AUM.
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