Effect Of Salinity On Seed Germination Of Different Genotypes Of Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf) And Species Related To Wheat (Aegilops Geniculata Roth.
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In this study, our results show a depressive effect of salt on germination of different parameters, thus confirming other work, showed a similar effect of salt stress on the germination and growth of many plant species. Seed germination under stress transfer in a medium without salt allowed us to conclude that the effect of salinity on germination stage result of the intervention of osmotic effects with the toxic effects of NaCl. The evolution of growth (growth kinetics) over time can be translated into growth curve, it is useful to reduce to simple mathematical models to generate parameters facilitate the comparison, the speed of growth and the rate of cell proliferation are characters limit the length of the epicotyl and radicle and are affected by salt stress, therefore the use of growth kinetics according to the results of our study, the selection of tolerant genotypes is useful better than the other parameters classics.
germination, durum wheat, salt stress, Aegilops, growth kinet
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