Human Resource Management Practices in Private Commercial Banking Sector: (A Study on Khulna City, Bangladesh)


Md.Sirajul Islam , Razia Khatun , Md. Omar Faruk , Md. Golam Mortoza ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 157-170 | Views: 380 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445943

Volume 3 - January 2014 (01)


“Human Resources” is a comparatively newer field of management study. Previously it was called “personnel management”. Human resource management deals with any aspects of any organization that affects employees, such as hiring and firing, pay, benefits, training, and administration. Every bank operating in Khulna city has its own mission to sustain in the banking sector as a customer and profit oriented organization. And the mission statements reflect the strategies, goals and the overall approach of organizations. In this study we have tried to find out how HRM practices in banking sector in Khulna region. Our study is divided into some key factors regarding to the human resources aspects including recruitment and hiring, training and development, compensation management, work time and environment, performance appraisal, and motivation at work. However, with the aid of a structured survey questionnaire, we collected data and analyze those with different statistical tools and techniques. Moreover, this study is based on human resources management practices in private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Therefore, the research convenience we have taken only employees of the branches operating in Khulna city.


Recruitment and Hiring, Training and Development, Compensation System, Motivation, Performance Appraisal. 


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