Study About Effective Factors On Citizen’s Social Trust In Urban Management (Case Study: Bonjar City)
Hamid Reza Shahidi Bonjar , Marzieh Miri , Hamid Okati ,
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The main objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that can be effective in promoting citizen participation in urban development Bonjar and strategies to promote public participation in management decisions, investment participatory development approach to fulfill the offer. Methods of data collection based on a library of documents and field (questionnaire) and applied research - development and documentation methods, and analytical survey. Were using the SPSS. Excel statistical methods for data analysis have been used. Study area, the city is Bonjar in 2013. The population size of the household in 1022, according to the formula of Cochran's sample size was 350 households. Findings from this study based on one-sample t-test and Spearman is obtained. These demands pointed out the variables of social security, elections and participation in agricultural affairs, there is a significant connection between participation in municipal affairs. But household income variable is not significant connection with participation in municipal affairs. The results show the average theoretical assumptions about the number 3 are higher than the average paper. Note the t-test significance level of less than 0/05 (sig = 000) thus obtained can be generalized to the target population of the research theories are confirmed
Social Participation, Social Trust, Citizens, Urban Development, Bonjar City
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