Employees Job Satisfaction: Analyzing the satisfaction by length of Service and Employment status
Dr.Sirajul Haq , Dr.Javed Ahmed Chandio ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 16-24 | Views: 467 | Downloads: 143 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3446013
The satisfaction of employees is extremely important to organization. The performance and efficiency of the organization totally relies on the satisfied employees. The satisfied employee tend to be creative and innovative and come up with the breakthroughs that make the company to grow and profitable. This research investigates the satisfaction of employees in the organization. The research is focused on investigating the satisfaction of employees by their employment status and length of service. This research study is done in one of the service-oriented business organization with the agreement that her name will not be mentioned in the research paper. In this study, the employment status is hypothesized to the total staff satisfaction and length of service is hypothesized to the total staff satisfaction of employees. Survey tool is used to let know the employer about employee’s satisfaction level. The survey is a traditional method that involves employees’ participation and employers conduct. They include questions in such a way that every aspect of an organization is touched and the feedback is returned in the form of an opinion given by each employee. These surveys help employers to understand employees thinking and their satisfaction levels, and that understanding paves the path for problem solving
Organization, Human Resource, Employees satisfaction, Service Length
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