E-Government towards Good Governance: A Framework for Digital Governance.


Dr.Sirajul Haq , Dr.Pairote Pathrannarakul , Dr.Boonan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 32-39 | Views: 403 | Downloads: 117 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455906

Volume 3 - February 2014 (02)


The application of ICT in the public sector organizations of the developing countries is greatly used as one of the essential tool for bring the improvement in the governance of the county. The research study is aimed to evaluate the effect of ICT in improving the good governance of the public organization in Pakistan. The research paper has discussed the application of ICT in the public sector organization in developing countries and highlighted the essential factors which need to be addressed for making effective adoption of e-government technology in the public sector organization that consequently enhance the good governance of the public organization. The study has focused it study on those public organizations where e-government technology has been used for the purpose of improving good governance. This research has proposed a framework for enhancing the good governance of the public organization and finally has provided policy, action and research recommendations. 


Good Governance, ICT, e-Government technology, Public organizations, Good Governance Framework.



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