Individual Career Development Planning: A Survey
Benedict Amade , BENEDICT AMADE ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 40-58 | Views: 416 | Downloads: 114 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455908
This study was designed to find out statistically, if and to what extent graduates of a university perceive planning to develop themselves and their careers as relevant to the development of their professional careers or their career advancement. The data for the study was collated from 78 out of 150 graduates of Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. Data was collated via questionnaires using the surveymonkey medium via email to the respondents. Microsoft excel was used in analyzing the descriptive statistics from the study. The findings from the study revealed that 91.9% of the respondents did envisage the idea of ICD/DCP as relevant to professional career advancement. While most graduates received training on IDP/CDP after graduation than as undergraduates. The study finally recommends professionals in HRD to incorporate aspects of IDP/CDP in student’s curriculum so as to enable them create a niche for themselves in terms of career planning and development.
career development, career planning, individual career, skills development, professional career, occupation, employers.
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