An Analysis of the Main Forces of Workplace Fraud in Zimbabwean Organisations: The Fraud Triangle Perspective.


Wilford Mawanza ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 86-94 | Views: 402 | Downloads: 118 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455942

Volume 3 - February 2014 (02)


— In turbulent economic times, employees can cause a greatest fraud threat. Economic downswings are closely associated with a lot of organisational restructurings among others are recruitment freezes, unpaid leaves, layoffs and many others. Workplace fraud has made a lot of headlines in the Zimbabwean media, where companies are affected drastically on their bottom line. The purpose of the study was to investigate the main forces of workplace fraud in Zimbabwe in an ailing economy in view of the Fraud triangle. Having realised that fraud is a reality in the business world, it was imperative to high light the importance of fraud awareness trainings and department responsible for fraud detection and prevention. The study highlighted some of the red flags that can be used to identify fraudsters


Include at least 5 keywords or phrases workplace fraud, fraud triangle, red flags, Pressure, opportunity, Rationalisation


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