Cu Removal To Ppb Levels Via Iron Coagulation And Biosolid Conditioning


T. Y. Yeh , Fred Cannon ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 47-51 | Views: 367 | Downloads: 101 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458721

Volume 3 - March 2014 (03)


Cu removal to ppb levels was achieved in an activated sludge system by employing ion bio-flocculation and sludge storage conditions. Cu removal correlated to an increase in extra-cellular polymer polysaccharide that was produced by microorganisms within achieved sludge. Cu levels between 15 a 35 ppb were achieved when employing coagulant dosage of 15 meg/L (as Fe) and when allowing 18 to 26 hours of sludge storage conditionings enhance the precondition of extracellular polymer polysaccharides. Maximum Cu removal occurred in a pH range 6.5 to 8.8. Sequential chemical extractionon test were conducted to appraise the extent which cu associated with the various components within biosold. 


Cu, extracelllar polysaccharide, iron coagulant 


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