Nexus of Gender Pay Gap and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria


Oginni, Simon Oyewol , El-maude, Jibreel Gambo- , Ibrahim, Kareem Moses ,

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Volume 3 - April 2014 (04)


Gender pay gap is phenomenally global. It manifests in different dimensions, across borders and has spanned centuries. However, increasingly insatiable drive to achieve steady and viable economic growth ignited extensive research on gender issues. The study examined nexus of gender pay gap and economic growth in Nigeria. By employing data from both public and private sector of Nigerian economy during period 2005-2012, estimation was done using OLS regression method. The result indicates a significant positive relationship between gender pay gap and economic growth. Hence, pay structure should be implemented strategically with much gender sensitivity to benefit economy


Pay Gap, Human Capital Endowment, Economic growth


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